In the epilogue, Alyx is continuing hormone replacement therapy, and he is also saving up for gender reassignment surgery. They decide to stay a couple after Kya learns the truth, saying "I have no problem with it. When they meet, Alyx turns out to be a transgender man who is starting his transition. Nev helps Kya finally meet Alyx, who she says she has fallen in love with but has never actually met. She later told him the truth and Alyx forgave her. When Kya first met "Alyx" online, she used a fake name and fake pictures. She is also happy that Jarrod has kept her in his life, and she's hopeful love could still blossom between them one day. Melissa had deactivated her Abby profile and also lost 15 lbs. He and Melissa continued to talk to each other everyday. In the epilogue, Jarrod has put his romantic pursuits on hold and is focusing on music since filming ended. When Nev finally introduces them after a year and a half of talking, "Abby" turns out to be an obese girl named Melissa that created the fake profile due to her low self esteem. She also promised to move in with him but then she never did. Jarrod told Nev that he had even proposed to Abby and she said yes. Jarrod is a divorced father from Georgia who fell for a blonde girl on Facebook named "Abby". Jasmine and Mhissy have had no contact since they appeared in this episode. Mhissy says that she had no plans to create a fake profile again.

Mhissy has made the decision to adopt her niece and become her legal guardian. In the epilogue, Jasmine has put her interest on finding romance on hold since filming ended, and instead, she's been focusing on school and spending time with her son. Mhissy said she created the fake profile to get revenge on Jasmine for not leaving Mhissy's boyfriend Josh aka Triggs alone after they hooked up. Mhissy and Jasmine used to be friends until they had a fight when they found out they were seeing the same guy. Mike turns out to be a girl named Mhissy who Jasmine knew in real life. Jasmine had been texting "Mike" for two years, though they had never met or talked on the phone. Kim is finally taking the time to deal with the loss of Steven, but she's not ready to think about starting a new romance yet. Kim went home and broke up with Scott, and she and Matt remain best friends. In the epilogue, Matt continues to diet and exercise everyday, and since filming ended, he has lost another 20 pounds. She meets Matt at his home, where he reveals he has refused to meet her because he is ashamed of his weight. Kim opens up to Nev that the love of her life Steven committed suicide and that Matt helped her through the grief. She is in a relationship with a man named Scott, who knows about Matt. Kim had been talking to Matt for over 10 years when she contacted Nev for help to meet him. Trina has quit dancing and is pursuing other career opportunities. Lee said he's happy to be friends with Trina, but still hopes one day romance will blossom between them. Nev introduces Shawnise to the real Larry "Scorpio" Drummer in the end. When Nev introduces Shawnise to Lee, he tells her the truth about having 4 children instead of 2 and that he is really 32 years old instead of being 27 like he told her. When Nev does some online investigating, he finds that the pictures of "Scorpio" belong to Larry Drummer, a model from Atlanta. She decided to delete the fake profile and start helping other bullied kids.Įxotic dancer Shawnise aka Trina the Natural, met fellow exotic dancer Lee aka "Scorpio" on MySpace and had been talking for over a year and never met. Chelsea eventually does admit remorse for creating the fake profile and reveals that she used to be bullied. They decide to be real friends and Nev introduces Sunny to the real Jamison in the end. Later they talk and Chelsea admits she is bisexual and does have feelings for Sunny. Chelsea showed no remorse and says that she has no feelings at all for Sunny. When Nev finally introduces Sunny to "Jamison", he turns out to be a girl named Chelsea, who originally created the profile for revenge on a former friend. Nursing student Sunny met and fell in love with model "Jamison" or "RJ" while chatting on Facebook, but they had never met in the eight months they had talked.