Connects the Soul Star chakra above the head with the Earth Star chakra beneath the feet to activate the entire chakra column, charging, aligning, removing blockages, and ushering in high frequency light. Grounding life force regeneration strength persistence, transformation slow, steady healing.ĪSTROPHYLLITE: Powerful Storm Element stone with complex chemical composition.
Red jasper magical properties cracked#
As waters receded, and ancient seas were exposed to the sun and air, these concretions dried out, cracked & revealed the beautiful patterns that we see today. Peaceful, breezy, flowing energy.Įlement: Air (Wind) & Water Chakras: Throat, Heart, Third Eye & CrownĪRAGONITE STAR CLUSTERS: Gently breaks through energetic blockages assists with attaining enlightened states of consciousness assist with meditation balancing energy fields promotes integrity of the aura, integration & healing of emotional trauma emotional release grounding light into the physical body assists with skeletal issues including broken bones & osteoporosis.ĪRAGONITE CONCRETIONS: These specimens are concretions formed as minerals (Calcium Carbonate) deposited within the bodies of sea creatures. as it opens and clears the Throat chakra.

Great stone for speakers, teachers, channelers, etc. Assists with communication with the realm of Spirit. Ushers in a breath of fresh air into any situation or relationship. Connection with the Earth & Nature Spirits love of Earth Heart expansion physical healing regeneration detoxification Earth healing & regeneration balancing of Earth & Air Elements.Įlement: Wind (Air) & Earth Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric & also Root & HeartĪQUAMARINE: Release, especially of emotional baggage and situations that no longer serve speaking one's truth soothing peace being able to communicate one's heart's desire communicationĮlement: Water Chakras: Throat (& Heart)ĪRAGONITE, BLUE: Connecting the mind with the throat for expression of one's thoughts and highest ideals, as well as connecting the heart with the throat for expression of one's emotions and emotional desires. It imparts to us the natural order of Mother Earth and how we are integrally connected to all kingdoms of Gaia.Įlement: Fire, Earth Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar PlexusĪMETHYST: Communion with Spirit, guides, Angels: Divine connection inspiration imagination connection with the Source releasing addictions master healer.Įlement: Wind (Air) Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, & EthericĪMETRINE: Combination of Amethyst and Citrine See entries for both.Įlements: Air (Wind) & Fire Chakras: Solar Plexus, Third Eye, CrownĪNGELITE: Peace, serenity, facilitates connection with angels & guides, promotes peaceful communication, assists meditation, cooperation, diplomacy, opens third eye & crownĮlement: Wind (Air) Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, ThroatĪPATITE, BLUE: Third Eye activation, enhances psychic abilities & intuition, mental clarity, dream work, assists with alternate life work & accessing karmic information that affects the present lifetime, healing for eye problems & headaches.ĪPOPHYLLITE, CLEAR: Opens the Crown, Third Eye, & Etheric Chakras to assist with communication with Spirit, Angels, guides, higher self, and all of the spiritual realm assists with meditation each crystal is like a tiny cathedral of light which one can enter for deep spiritual communion.ĪPOPHYLLITE, GREEN: Same as with Clear Apophyllite (see above entry), but with added heart & Earth activation. Amber with the fossilized insects within, helps connect us with Ancient Earth wisdom, indigenous wisdom, and love of our Gaia. It is also great for balancing intestinal issues where Fire is out of balance. It is uplifting emotionally, physically, energetically. Amber is like a soothing sunny day amidst the ravages of Winter.

It helps to ground excess fire energy and is naturally antimicrobial.

It contains the energies of the Sun and the Earth, and is great for balancing overly fiery states and conditions. AMAZONITE: Speaking one's truth going with the flow synching with universal flow cooling fiery emotions or conditions communication peace-making.ĪMBER: Amber is fossilized tree resin that is millions of years old.