To view his input into his music, u need watch his studio sessions. To assert that he is like Britney Spears but with talent is overly far-fetched. Usher is a much stronger song-writter than Beyonce, who further alters songs that are written for him if he can’t contextually connect to it.

(if there’s anything else to do when ur a singer-songwritter) She is, exactly what u accused Usher of, if not better at doing so – and that this being able to deliver and bring it to life with her vocal ability. She uses heavy propganda, sliding into relevant cultural topics like her current album. Beyonce? Of all the artist u could mention, u said Beyonce? Beyonce has 100 song-writers, who squeeze her into the credits, she can hardly do an interview with her vocabulary. The lyrical level was more mature and the songs had more depth, – an album that did NOT even sound contemporary (R&b was declining which lead to flop singles like Moving Mountains). Here I Stand was strongly maturely themed which he reflected of his marital status, with literally tracks about his son etc. ALL of his albums have had a narrative, with Raymond V Raymond as an exception. Totally disagree…purely because there is nothing that strongly suggest these conclusions imo. Chris brown grew up in this era and all the bops the slow songs all that is true to who Chris brown is and I just feel like yes even though usher was a major success and major talent this shows that his artistic ability studio wise is not that well nor is his decision making in music I’m hoping he gets it together but that whole looking 4 myself album i think that was authentic and a good start for this decade i loved that and I’m not saying i don’t like anything he puts I’m just saying it’s sub par for his caliber Usher literally I love him and he’s such a talent but having some bops that are good in the moment is beneath him and he should be in a real artistic place at this point in his career making music true to him. Maybe and I’m not being sarcastic by the way but maybe he should just carve his own lane an make authentic and organic music from a real place instead of chasing trends and the top 25 of the billboard hot 100 even since talk that talk Rihanna stopped chasing trends she carved her own dark bad girl pop with a kiss of R&B Lane where her island routes are thrown and since 2012 has found her own lane and sound as she’s matured that’s authentic to her and the team that contributes to her albums.